MAHAD AL-ISLAMI AL-HASHIMIE LOCATION: BAKA, DATU ODIN SINSUAT MAGUINDANAO, PHILIPPINES NO. OF STUDENTS: 54 BOYS, 64 GIRLS (118) NO. OF TEACHERS: 4 FUNDS FOR OPERATION OF SCHOOL COME FROM PARENTS' MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION The students and teachers of Mahad Al-Islami Al-Hashimie of Baka, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao, are extremely thankful for their newly renovated toilets donated by ACT Malaysia. They have initially built 2- door toilets but they were not completed due to shortage of funds and lack of water source. ACT Malaysia took over the construction and built a water well which became the water source for the toilets and the school itself. Mahad Hashimie has 118 students and a fully functioning toilets with adequate water is such a relief for everyone. We can recall that the students were also provided with new blackboards a few weeks ago.